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Overhydration Can Kill You! Shocking but Real

Overhydration Can Kill You! Shocking but Real


When we were children, our parents frequently used to emphasise the need to remain hydrated by drinking lots of water, especially in the summers. While what they said was right, it’s also important to understand what they most likely missed i.e. Anything in excess, even water, can have negative effects.

Water intoxication or overhydration is a hazardous medical condition that can result from excessive water consumption. Despite the typically modest danger, it is nonetheless possible. As a result, it is advised that you get familiar with the signs, causes, and consequences of overhydration. All of these issues are covered in depth in the article below.

New research asserts to have identified the precise cause of the renowned actor and martial artist Bruce Lee’s death, over 50 years after he passed away in July 1973 at the age of 32. Officials determined that cerebral oedema, or brain swelling, which was believed to be a reaction to a painkiller he had taken, was the cause of death at the time of his passing. The new study, however, contends that his kidney’s inability to remove extra water was what ultimately caused his early demise.

The study was carried out by a team of renal doctors in Spain and released in the Clinical Kidney Journal.

What is Overhydration?

A condition known as overhydration occurs when your body retains more water than is required by the body. It can happen as a result of drinking too much water or as a result of a problem that negatively impacts your body’s capacity to release water. Overhydration may result from water retention as well.

Hyponatremia, a condition marked by the depletion of electrolytes, particularly sodium, in your blood, which is otherwise necessary to maintain the fluid balance within and outside of your cells, can result from consuming too much water.

When the blood’s sodium levels fall below a particular point, external fluids enter the cells, causing them to expand. Your brain’s cells may experience overhydration, which may result in severe signs that can lead to significant issues. 

Symptoms of overhydration 

Early signs of overhydration could go unnoticed most of the time. Common symptoms of overhydration are:

  • Nausea and dizziness
  • Headache and vomiting 
  • Imbalance in mental and emotional states, such as confusion or disorientation 

Untreated overhydration can cause your blood sodium levels to drop dangerously low. More severe symptoms can appear from this, including:

  • muscle weakness, spasms, or cramps
  • seizures
  • unconsciousness
  • coma

What causes hyponatremia?

You have hyponatremia (low blood sodium) if your blood doesn’t contain enough sodium. In order to regulate the amount of water inside and around your body’s cells, salt must be present in your circulation.

It may occur due to specific medical problems, medications you may be taking, or excessive water consumption.

Your body retains more water due to lower sodium levels, which causes your cells to expand. This might cause a lot of issues. While some are minor, others may be serious or even fatal.

How to prevent the risk of overhydration? 

The first step in treating overhydration is to decrease your regular water intake. For instance, if you are drinking 15 glasses of water every day, try cutting it to 12 glasses and observing how you feel. You should visit your doctor if your symptoms do not disappear after reducing your fluid consumption.

Consult your doctor about the best treatment` if you have a medical condition like diabetes, CHF, or renal problems. If you experience sudden thirst, you should also call your doctor. This can indicate a health issue that needs to be addressed.

How much water is ideal to drink in a day? 

Your body is made up of around 60% water. Every single bodily function depends on it. It removes toxins from your organs, transports nutrition to your cells, lubricates your joints, and aids food digestion.

Dehydration can occur if you don’t drink enough water. Dehydration of a severe enough degree might result in seizures, disorientation, and drowsiness.

For this reason, it’s crucial to consume as much water as your body requires each day. Depending on your weight, how much activity you do, how hot it is outside, and other factors, the ideal water requirement can be determined. You can get advice on deciding what’s best for you from your doctor.

Everyone has heard that drinking eight glasses of water a day is ideal. The fact is that everyone’s requirements for water are different. But there are several fundamental rules:

  • The Institute of Medicine (IOM) advises males to consume 13 glasses (or around 3 liters) of liquids daily.
  • They recommend 9 glasses (just over 2 litres) of liquids daily for women.
  • Every day, pregnant women should consume roughly 10 glasses of water. Breastfeeding mothers require roughly 12 glasses.
  • Children and teenagers often require 6 to 8 glasses of water each day. They should also consume a lot of water-rich fresh fruits and vegetables.

Final thoughts 

The recent disturbing and illuminating research on Bruce Lee’s death makes us wonder whether drinking too much water is dangerous. There have been countless reports of people dying from drinking too much water. Drinking too much water can raise intracranial pressure, which can cause a number of symptoms and, in severe cases, can be fatal. Drinking more water than their kidneys can excrete in the urine leads to overhydration and water intoxication.

Here we have detailed overhydration, symptoms and how we can prevent it. So now check your daily water intake and know how much water is too much. 

Furthermore, you should also undergo preventive health checkups. These health checkups give a complete report about your health, allowing you to take necessary precautionary measures to improve your well-being and keep a host of ailments at bay.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Q. Can being overhydrated kill you?

When you drink too much water, you may experience water poisoning, intoxication, or a disruption of brain function. If the condition is continued for a long time then it can cause death. 

Q. What happens if you drink too much water daily?

In severe overhydration, people may become confused or have seizures. 

Q. How do you fix overhydration quickly?

By reducing the daily amount of water intake and consulting a doctor. 

Q. How much water do you have to drink to be overhydrated?

If you consume more than 3 to 4 L of water in a few hours. Potential symptoms of overhydration include headache. cramping, spasms, or weakness in your muscles.

Q. Does salt help overhydration?

Yes, excess salt consumption increases water retention in the body and eventually, it leads to overhydration. 

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