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The Best Lunch Packing Gear You Need for Kids & Teens

The Best Lunch Packing Gear You Need for Kids & Teens

Looking for the best thermos, the best lunch box, or the best water bottle for kids? Here are our road-tested favorites.

LunchBots lunch box

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The cutesy water bottle that leaked.

The pricey lunch box your first grader couldn’t open.

The brand-name thermos that served up barely-lukewarm tomato soup at lunchtime.

We’ve all bought new lunch packing gear with high hopes–that quickly fizzled into buyer’s remorse.

So whether you’re a first-timer stocking up or a seasoned pro upgrading your stash, I rounded up a list of road-tested products for you in a few different categories.

Because believe me, I’ve bought my fair share of duds over the years too.

But this is the gear that made the cut. All of these are items we have and use in real life. Here’s to no more buyer’s remorse!

(And if you’d like your kids to become independent lunch packers this year, scroll down for my free email series to help make it happen.)