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The Best Elliptical Trainers Reviewed

The Best Elliptical Trainers Reviewed

Elliptical trainers are exercise machines that work similar to a stationary bike and a treadmill, only better. Because it actually mixes the two, thus giving customers more value for their money and more workout for their body.

Are you on the verge of buying an elliptical trainer? If so, you can try to consider the reviews contained herein so that you can be guided as to which type and what brand to buy. These reviews come from the fitness experts themselves.

1. Precor EFX 5.17i. All fitness equipment reviewers are united in saying that Precor is the company that makes the best elliptical trainers on the market. This model is considered an entry-level model, but it sure does not stop there. It has a lot of durable options and a total of four programs preset. It also has 20 resistance levels that you can adjust to determine the toughness of the body workout you intend to have. Its incline can be adjusted anywhere from 12 to 25 degrees for a better workout experience. It also has an optional heart-rate monitor.

These are childproofed for safety; so no need to be concerned of your kids getting hurt or messing with the device. Precor also claims this model to have no weight limits, so no matter how heavy you might be the equipment will be able to accommodate you. Although you might have to know that this model may not provide for an upper body workout. This model is priced at around $2,300.

2. Smooth CE. If you wanted to get the best value for your money, you can get this model. This is a compact, elliptical trainer that is about 22 x 57 inches in size. This model has seven programs built-in. It also comes with a wireless heart-rate monitor for customer’s ease of use. This one provides for a full body workout. It has adjustable pedals to accommodate users having different heights, but can only carry a maximum of 325 pounds of weight. Although this model does not have adjustable inclines, it works good enough for it set level. If you have a limited space in your house and wanted a relatively compact model, this is just right for you. This is priced at an average of $1,500.

3. Fitness Quest Eclipse 1100 HR/A. If you are in a real tight budget, you can get this model. This elliptical trainer, made by Fitness Quest, is the best one within its price range. For one, it offers a one-year warranty on parts and labor, unlike the others that only have a 90-day limited warranty. Like the other high-end elliptical trainer, it also has ten built-in programs plus the two heart rate controlled programs. This type can only hold as much as 275 pounds. So if you are over that, you might want to check other models. This one is priced for only $400.

4. Precor EFX 5.33. This is another quality product from Precor. This model is the best for fitness clubs and gyms, as it can be priced quite high. It contains 14 programs including manual programming. It has moving handlebars ensuring users of a full body workout. It has 20 resistance levels that users can choose from to adjust the density of their workout. It is inclined at 20 degrees and is fixed at that. This one is priced at a whopping $3,700.

Elliptical trainers are good choices for those people who wanted to achieve full body workout minus the tension and the impact on the bones and joints. Elliptical trainers provide for a real smooth workout anytime, any day.

In choosing an elliptical trainer, you can consider the machine’s features, price, or value. As a consumer, you can put a priority number for each of these points. And select the one that matches your personal needs and preferences.

This review should be able to guide you as to what elliptical trainer models is the best choice for you. There are a few other models you can check out yourself, if you feel that the review in here is not comprehensive enough. This serves a guide for you, with the hope that it can lead you to the best product on the market.