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Racquetball Equipment

Racquetball Equipment

This is a sport which is enjoyable, can be played with one, two or four players, and is a great way to get out some of that frustration that school or work can provide. It is also less costly than family therapy and any bruises received can be explained by a rousing game of racquetball. Bouncing off the walls, running into each other, and trying to hit the ball back to the wall can cause fits of laughter and togetherness while the family is playing and later when the game is remembered at the dinner table. One suggestion though is to never play parents against kids. For one, the kids will constantly argue about who serves first or hits the ball and the parents will have the majority of the bruises, whether intentional or not.

To play racquetball, one needs specific equipment to play correctly. The first piece of equipment is protective eyewear. If a player wears glasses or contacts, protective eyewear that fits over the glasses or onto the face snuggly is a must. If the player gets hit in the face, their eyes will be protected and this will save in a costly repair for broken glasses. Obviously, players need a racquet to play racquetball, or it would be called handball. To choose a racquet, the player must choose the one that fits their hand well, but does not feel too heavy. A good racquet can cost around $60 while a great one can cost at least $230. If one cannot afford to pay that much for a racquet, the local YMCA should have a few spare racquets one can borrow until a racquet can be bought.

There are two sizes of grips that one can choose for their racquet. If you are unsure about which grip to use, check with the local sports equipment store. They should be able to help you make an informed decision. Shoes are a must, but be careful which ones are chosen. Cross trainers or running shoes are not the best for racquetball mainly because they may make the player roll his ankle, instead of supporting it. These shoes should have gum-soled shoes to help grip the floor better. When testing the shoe, it should not buckle or twist under pressure. Hard soles will also help prevent an ankle being rolled. Be picky when buying shoes. Gloves are also a piece of equipment that can be used by a player. These help the player grip the racquet better and aim better.

Replacement strings are a big part of equipment which will be needed, especially if the play gets too rough during the game. Hitting the wall, floor, or side door will also break a string, so caution is warranted when playing. To buy the right string for one’s racquet, take the racquet into the store and ask a sales person to help you, if you get confused. Balls are the most important piece of equipment to buy. The player needs to decide whether they will play inside or outside because the balls are specially designed for those two arenas.