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Medical Manager Billing Software for a Small Private Medical Practice

Medical Manager Billing Software for a Small Private Medical Practice

Medical Manager Billing Software is an effective and efficient IT solution for a private practitioner to manage a start-up or a smaller medical office more successfully. With the right software, you can look after your patients’ care better and spend less time with administrative management. It would lead to a more satisfying patient-doctor relationship as well as a better service from the medical and administrative staff. The beauty about this system for small practice physicians is that many are offered with no upfront cost and as a free download for a trial period.

In determining the best type of medical billing software for your automation, you need to spend precious time reading about free and commercial billing and coding/EHR/practice management software reviews over the web. You have to compare the software solutions of some of the top rated ones for 2011 like the Lytec Medical Billing Software, MPMSoft, Medisoft Medical Billing Software, AdvancedMD, CollaborateMD and Total MD. You can then set up appointments for a free demo with those software developer companies whom you have discovered to specialize in automating small medical practice.

You may opt to enter into a service contract with a software company for the use of a reasonably priced system that offers basic, easy to learn and convenient to use features. It would be to your advantage to identify software which is a mix of EHR and practice management dealing with insurance claims and financial management rolled into one. However, some experts suggest that a small office can secure a deal with a software developer corporation that provides training and support in the use of their system covering office management automation as well as electronic billing, coding, dealing with patients, clearing houses, insurance companies, denial management and appeal of claims, etc. at a discounted rate under a negotiated arrangement.

There are software companies who offer to sell their medical manager software or optional alternative of billing services where they charge a certain percentage based on the number of electronic claims in a month like EZ Claim. Many users now want a software solution with the capacity to provide insurance billing, account receivables monitoring and electronic transmission of claims using the new electronic claim format and insurance templates.

One software corporation which caters to small office medical practice for many years now is Health Data Services Inc. With its FreeDom IT solutions, the company envisioned their technology to be the complete solution for smaller medical offices. It is both an EHR and a practice management system. It is easy to learn and easy to use. You can start immediately with a free download and usage for three months. After 90 days of enrollment, should you want to continue, the arrangement will be a charge of a minimum of $100 per month based on the number of billing claims. This includes your choice of at least 2 optional services such as claims generation and formatting and e-prescriptions.

FreeDOM sends all of your electronic claims exclusively through their own HDS Clearinghouse. The latter transmits claims electronically to major, government, corporate payors and insurance companies. For claims not coursed to the clearinghouse, you can use the HDS Print and Mail Services. The price is 50 cents per claim for clearing house services.

For e-prescription services, the fee per provider per year is $37.50 a month for 12 months plus an initial payment of $450. This amount is not applied to the monthly minimum fee of $100.

If you will analyze the low monthly minimum fee of only $100, the benefits you will gain in terms of reduced operational costs, faster collections and bigger revenues on the financial side and patient satisfaction, security and safety of your patient data base on the patient care side far outweigh the fees. As soon as your operations have expanded and you can already avail of an advanced certified medical manager billing software or whatever name the EHR/Practice Management solution is called, then it is the right time for you to upgrade.