Mentally, emotionally, and behaviorally dysfunctional children and teens are not suffering a “disease.” Medical professionals and pharmaceutical manufacturers would like us to believe that child and teen disorders have a “biological” cause. They do not.
The real causes of a child or teen disorder are “psychological,” not biological. Essentially, the real causes are “selfish reactions.”
Child and teen disorders are actually conscious and subconscious “selfish reactions.” The reactions typically relate specifically to the unloving and hurtful choices of the disturbed person’s selfish parents.
These selfish reactions explain the underlying causes of disorders such as child and teen schizophrenia, depression, anxiety, autism, eating disorders, and ADHD.
Parents are the most important and most influential people in our lives. When a person’s parents are choosing to be extremely selfish, they are also usually extremely controlling and abusive.
By the time a baby is born, he or she has lived for nine months inside the womb and, typically, has had daily distressing and painful psychological-energetic parent-related experiences. Those experiences most often incited mental and emotional reactions. Those reactions, coupled with negative agreements entered into with a favored-parent, become the foundations for dysfunctional behavior patterns and aberrant symptoms. This is especially true when the parents’ control and abuse, and the child’s selfish reactions are extreme, and child-parent negative agreements are being strongly honored by the child.
Every selfish parent (to varying degrees) subconsciously and regularly impacts in negative and painful subconscious psychological-energetic ways on his or her young child (unborn or born).
Parent-child psychological-energetic activity begins naturally when the baby is an embryo inside the womb. This is how humans communicate before they are old enough to learn a social language.
Extremely selfish people usually “split” psychologically and make themselves consciously unaware of important personal subconscious wrong intentions and choices. In addition, they consciously know little or nothing of the subconscious psychic-energetic communications or agreements that may be occurring between them and their unborn babies.
If an unborn baby’s selfish reactions are extreme, after birth, those reactions will likely manifest visibly as the symptoms of a serious disorder such as autism or child schizophrenia.
Every serious disorder’s symptoms result from a child reacting to a parent’s mental, emotional, energetic (psychic) and often, later, physical and/or sexual abuse. The severity of a disorder usually relates to the severity of the abuse that has incited the child’s reaction. The type of reaction may also provide clues to the type of abuse experienced. Many of the most consistent hurtful actions of parents toward their children or teens are psychological, subconscious, and deliberately kept suppressed.
When a child is very young child, reactions may look as if the child is simply “acting-out,” not reacting to how a parent is being or to what a parent may be doing wrong.
It is safe to say that when a young child or teenager is acting-out in destructive or aberrant ways, the reasons are not that the child or teen is suffering a disease, brain-chemical imbalance, or at the effect of some environmental contaminant.
The popular term “acting out” is a euphemism that places the full responsibility onto disturbed children and teens. Most often, disturbed children’s parents are not included as possible factors in the dysfunctional equations presented by their parents and the medical-psychiatric community. This blatant exclusion is a major part of The Great Cover-Up that is the reason that abuse, pain, and reaction keep recycling in families from one generation to the next.
Most parents claim that they are “trying to love,” and are “doing the best they can” for their children. They also say they have no clues as to why their disturbed boy or girl insists on constantly defying, rebelling, and behaving negatively.
In most cases, a disturbed child or teen is not the one who initiated the negativity in a family. Disturbed children and teenagers are reacting to their parents’ selfish, controlling, possessive, violent, abusive (conscious and subconscious) and sexually abusive selfish intentions, attitudes, thoughts, feelings, and actions.
At two or three years old, a typical child has already developed strong selfish behavior patterns in relation his or her parents. Young children acting-out are most probably reacting to a parent’s selfish conscious and subconscious attitudes in the moment, but a teenager acting-out is likely reacting to an accumulation of negative parent-related experiences.
If the parents of disturbed children or teens were to drop (stop) their subconscious and conscious selfish, defiant, controlling, wrong attitudes and behaviors, it is probable that their disturbed children and teens would stop their reacting (acting-out). However, it would probably take a concerted and lasting effort on the parents’ part to convince a disturbed child or teen that their parents have decided to change in sincere, truly positive, lasting, and unselfish ways.
It can be extremely difficult for a selfish parent to become willing to see and acknowledge that he or she has been the primary instigator of the negative behavior displayed by his or her disturbed child or teen.
The adult selfish ego and a person’s pseudo positive images are important factors to be overcome. Selfish parents give themselves many rationalizations and excuses for their selfish intentions, thoughts, feelings, actions, and reactions. Reactive children and teens do the same. Our rationalizations and excuses for making reactive choices that we did not have to make in the first place, can turn parent-child relationships into frustrating and hopeless battles.
Extremely selfish parents often have subtle attitudes of ownership in relation to their children. That attitude alone can be an instigator of much rebellion and reaction. A parent’s controlling, possessive intentions painfully pressure and negatively affect a child or teen. It is likely that those destructive psychological energies were present even when the child was in the womb. Children, especially young children, dramatically feel the energetic impact of their parents’ selfish intentions, thoughts, feelings, and actions.
A child will feel abandoned and insecure when his or her parents choose to put their desires before their child’s needs. No matter how young, a child knows when his or her parents are controlling and attempting to possess. No matter what a child may hear to the contrary, he or she knows whether a parent is choosing to love or not.
Waiver: This information is offered for educational purposes only and is not intended to serve as medical advice. The information provided should not be used for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease. It is not a substitute for professional care. If your child, teen, or you have any health concerns, please consult your health care provider.
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