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A Peep Into Healthy Eating

A Peep Into Healthy Eating

Every human being is different. That is the reason even fitness experts assess people before suggesting to them fitness regimen or diet regimen that suits them. But at the same time, there are certain things that are common to everyone. One such common thing is that there are certain general diet rules that are applicable to everyone. Therefore, when you have decided to eat the right foods to lead a healthy life, you must first know these common rules.

In fact, the first step towards achieving your aim of putting in place the right diet regimen for you is to know these common rules that are basic to healthy eating. Let us now have a look.

1. Your diet should mainly consist of fiber foods

Researchers have conducted several studies to prove the benefits of fiber foods such as fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts, items made of wholesome grains, etc. These researches have revealed that fiber foods can amazingly keep a number of diseases at bay. They include even chronic diseases like cancer, diabetes, heart and cardiovascular ailments, obesity, and so on.

Fiber foods are low-calorie foods and hence, you need not fear if they will increase your weight. WHO has released a report in which they have provided convincing evidence to prove that those who consistently eat fruits, vegetables and items made of wholesome grains face decreased risks of obesity. On the other hand, high-calorie foods like processed foods containing high amounts of fat and sugar will certainly lead to overweight and obesity.

Further, fiber foods contain various other nutrients as well and hence, they reduce the risks of insulin resistance and diabetes. The best benefit is that you will feel full if you eat these foods but at the same time, you need not worry about weight gains as they contain fewer calories.

Researches have also proved that if you eat 3 to 5 servings of fresh vegetables and fruits a day, you will not face risks like stroke, heart diseases, etc. If you eat more than 5 servings, the risks are even less. Simply put, the more the intake of vegetables and fruits is, the less are the risks of stroke and heart diseases.

2. Say ‘no’ to processed foods and processed meats

A report released by IARC, otherwise called The International Agency for Research on Cancer, that is a wing of WHO, reveals that processed meats can be the main cause of colorectal cancer. The report also says that red meat can “probably” cause cancers of colon and pancreas as well as prostate cancer.

Further, a study has proved that obesity can cause various types of cancers and hence, you must make it a point to avoid processed foods and processed meats that can make you obese.

3. Reduce intake of sugar

A survey reveals that the sugar intake of an average American is 22 teaspoons a day. But the recommended quantity according to the American Heart Association is 6 teaspoons and 9 teaspoons of sugar for women and men respectively. This means if you have the habit of frequently drinking sugared beverages or fruit juices or eating cakes, pastries, cookies and daily desserts such as ice creams, you will be consuming more sugar than what your body requires. Excessive intake of sugar will lead to obesity and weight gain. Remember also that not all fruit drinks are entirely fruit juices.

4. Drink plenty of water

Many of us overlook the health benefits of water. Water is undoubtedly the healthiest drink and it contains zero calories. If you drink one or two glasses of water about 30 minutes before your meal, you will consume less of food and so, water can help in bringing down your calorie intake also.

If you drink plenty of water, your system will remain hydrated. So, you will be able to stay alert which means your brain will function more efficiently. You will not feel fatigued also if you remain hydrated. The habit of drinking sufficient water daily can help you in preventing health issues such as constipation, kidney stones, etc.

5. Consume less salt

Remember that salt is as dangerous as sugar. While excessive consumption of sugar can lead to issues like diabetes, obesity, weight gain, etc., excessive intake of salt can cause high blood pressure, that is also called “hypertension.” So, it is necessary that you have to cut back on your sodium intake.

Health organizations like the American Heart Association and the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute recommend that our sodium intake should be less than 2,500 milligrams a day. But a survey reveals that an average American consumes 3,478 milligrams a day. There is no wonder many Americans are suffering from issues like hyper-tension.

Researches conducted in the United States reveal the saltiest foods are processed foods, packaged foods and those prepared in restaurants. So, you must avoid eating processed and packaged foods. Similarly, you should go for home-cooked foods instead of those prepared in restaurants.