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Looking at the Mens Wetsuit Characteristics

Looking at the Mens Wetsuit Characteristics

Deciding on the right mens wetsuit is not necessarily a difficult purchase decision, however there are some factors that need to be taken into account before going ahead with such a purchase. The mens wetsuit is no different than the other types, in that it is manufactured mostly from the material known as neoprene, although technology has advanced significantly enough to provide more comfort and functionality than before.

The actual make up of the item in question will really depend upon the activity for which use is intended, meaning that different activities may well require differing thicknesses, or might require differing levels of flexibility in certain areas. Thickness of the wetsuit is measured in, and labelled in millimetres, and usually represented as a fraction, the numerator indicating the torso thickness and the denominator providing the thickness on the arms and legs.

A number of differing joining techniques are used in putting the mens wetsuit together, this can range from gluing, to stitching and in some instances seamless. The quality of the suit will vary between processes used to manufacture as well as the thickness and materials used, beware that some manufacturers try and cut back on using quality materials and procedures. The individuals circumstances or intended use of the mens wetsuit will determine which type or even the thickness of the suit.

Warmer water or tropical conditions will enable one to consider a thinner suit or even the shortie wetsuit. The shortie wetsuit is basically a suit that covers the torso and does not have the sleeves and ‘pants’ that cover the arms and legs respectively. Many surfers in warmer water regions actually prefer this type of wetsuit, as compared to the full body, or steamer mens wetsuit. A slight variation, or ‘in between’ model is the three quarter suit, which extends a little further down the arms and legs, whilst one can also get the wetsuit vest, which is exactly that, just a vest to keep the chest and back protected.

The steamer suit is most popular with divers, and covers the entire body, save the hands and feet. The thickness of this type of mens wetsuit varies a lot more than the shortie version, as this type is often used more extensively by the scuba diving community, who tend to frequent colder waters more often.

These suits are also used by the triathlon and other water sport communities, that use the suit for a variety of reasons including enhancing their performance in their chosen sport. However there are different variations of the items in question here, based upon additional flexibility requirements as needed by these sportspeople.

The desired use of the mens wetsuit, in terms of activity, will determine thickness, length and overall functionality of the suit itself and will form the motivation of the selection of a suitable suit for those specific circumstances, it would be pointless rushing off to purchase an item that hinders one in their chosen activity.